Give Your Home and Garden a New Lease of Life

Hello, my name is Iggy and I live in Perth, Australia. Last month, I was out in my garden enjoying the sunshine when I noticed that there was something strange on my roof. I climbed up onto the roof of my home and discovered some damage. While I was up on the roof, I took a long look down at my garden. Seeing it from such a strange angle made me realise how overgrown it looked. The next day I called in some contractors to fix the problems. While they worked, they taught me plenty of cool tips and tricks.

4 Tips for Choosing Landscape Trees

Home & Garden Blog

A new tree can improve the appearance of your landscaping and increase your enjoyment of your outdoor living spaces. There are some things to keep in mind before shopping for a new tree, though.

1. Purpose

Start with the purpose of the tree. Do you need a single tree to provide shade or to be a focal point in the landscape? A tree with lovely lush foliage and seasonal flowers might be just the thing. On the other hand, perhaps you want a row of small trees to create a hedge, which means that dense evergreens are the better option, as they can be trained to grow into a hedgerow.

2. Mature Size

Consider how big the tree will be once it hits maturity. A small nursery tree may look dwarfed by the surrounding features of your landscape when you first plant it, but one day it will likely soar far overhead and reach out far to the sides. Check with the nursery to see exactly how big a tree is expected to be once it is full grown. This way you can avoid overly large trees that will need frequent pruning or premature removal because they are simply too large for your garden.

3. Seasonal Preferences

Different seasons will bring changes to your trees. If you want something that provides colour or privacy year-round, then evergreen trees are the easy answer. For those that enjoy fragrant flowers, it's important to choose a tree that produces flowers in spring or summer. The location where you are planting can also affect your seasonal preference in tree variety. As an example, if you are planting on the sunny side of your home, you may want a deciduous tree that drops its leaves. This tree will provide shade in summer but it won't block the natural light in the winter months.

4. Care Needs

Every tree requires maintenance, but some require much less than others. Trees that are native to your region will usually be more resistant to pests and natural climate conditions compared to exotic and non-native species, which equates to fewer ongoing care needs. Some trees are also messier than others, as they may drop lots of leaves or fruits that will require long hours of raking and tidying up. Pruning needs can also range from nearly non-existent to quite involved. Always check the care requirements of any tree you are considering so you can make an informed choice.

Contact a wholesale tree nursery to see the options available for your landscape.


26 April 2021